26 September 2023

new growth

No water change this week, but I did dose plant ferts (Leaf Zone). Since the circulation is more gentle now, I poured the ferts into a few cups of water in a clean bucket, mixed well, and poured back slowly into the tank while sweeping that sideways, to try and distribute it evenly. There's more melt still, but also lots of new leaves unfurling! I'm especially pleased with the crypt moehlmanii, I'd thought it was getting pale lately- new leaf is a healthier-looking, slightly darker green color:
Crypt beckettii-petchii
Buce 'wavy green' and unknown.
I thought this was a crypt beckettii-petchii also, but it's got broader leaves with a kind of rounder tip. Another variety I forgot I had? maybe it's the 'undulata'. Or natural variation due to conditions.

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