17 September 2023

greenhouse rewrap

I re-skinned part of my little greenhouse. Some of those plexiglass or acrylic panels I put on two years ago, were finally starting to crack and yellow. You can see how bad here on the back side- the upper panel there is still quite yellowed, and the whole roof pane broke apart in a wind. I covered the top with an old shower liner, and it was so serviceable I've just left it there.
This whole short side got replaced- panel just under the roof was cracked in half, lower ones were yellowed, pieces folded around the back corner were all coming loose. I know I was so pleased with putting solid acrylic panels on before, but now I'm happier with this again! I used another old shower liner- when they get gunky enough I can't scrub soap scum off anymore, I buy a new one- but half the liner is still fairly clear, so that's what I cut up to use here. It was big enough to cover the entire short side, wrap around the back where there's that uneven corner, and around the front right side to the door post. So all that area has no gaps, no overlapping bits where wind might get in. Pulled out all the old nails and screw, just used staples again. (Sure will be easier to remove in future, too).
Here's the front. The roof still has one acrylic panel with the shower plastic wrapped all the way over it (so the front side is double-layered, it was just eaiser to secure that way)- and there's a piece of wood in there to prop it up because the support piece I had going across under the peak, broke too. But you can see how the right of the door is a bit less clear than the left, as it's the liner plastic and not the clear acrylic. I don't mind though. 

The only panel on this greenhouse that hasn't needed replacing- plastic sheeting, glazing from a picture frame or otherwise- is the door. That is a piece of polycarbonate that someone bought my kid for an crafting project once, and he didn't end up using it. I should just pony up and get more of that.
The other short side has some of the older clear panels too, only one is starting to yellow and crack. I'm thinking now I might just go buy another shower liner for five bucks, and rewrap the rest of the house- but maybe I'll see how this leftover piece I put on holds up to the weather come winter, first.
My husband replaced a bunch of glass shelving recently, and we have a stack of glass from the old shelves sitting around. I've been thinking of getting more ambitious and learning how to windowframe them all and make a proper little greenhouse- but: I already know we don't have the right tools. It will be much heavier, not easy to shift around. I'm kind of fond of this little greenhouse, that I made myself out of repurposed materials! I don't mind having to reskin it every few years . . . 

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