27 April 2023

seedlings update

I think my seeds have all sprouted, that are going to. Didn't get any green onions from the older packet, but I have some that grew from ones I got at swap a few years ago. Only one half my summer savory tray germinated- the newer seed. So time to throw out the older packet of those as well.
Garlic chives- these are new to me! a gift from my older sister (we traded seeds last year)
My one fenugreek seedling keeled over and died, and I'm debating about starting more. All the rest are doing fine- dill, thyme and parsley (just emerged a day ago). No sign of sage yet, but if I remember correct those always take a while to get going. Basil I planted six or eight seeds, and only got three. So maybe that packet is getting old too, might have to sow twice as much as what I want next time.

The cardinal climber seedlings are looking grand. I just get a kick out of their angular shapes. These were fairly dusky and puplish when emerged, but I've learned that some plants do that to protect tender new leaves from strength of the sun. They're already greener now than in this photo.
I think it was the right choice, that I only did a few herbs this year. I've been pretty good lately with my regular activities (housework) but the carrying in/out of the house every day this week of seedlings plus my boston fern, potted geraniums in the basement, all the coleus cuttings and one stevia plant, has me tired and beat at the end of each day. When it dropped to just above freezing a few nights earlier this week, I preemptively brought in the bay laurel, figs and chives too. That was tiresome.

Can't quite handle three times as many young plants with all their particular needs right now.

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