20 April 2023

on the second sideyard

where the maples came out. This spot against the house looks nice right now- until the deer get at it. I should dig and move that ostrich fern that's come up in the middle of the hosta- but not sure if I can do it without damaging one of the plants. Maybe to divide the hosta.
The sensitive ferns are coming up. 
Pulmonaria is almost done blooming- all the flowers fallen over from center, they sure are glorious. Caught a bee in the photo- upper left!
Lily of valley starting to flower
All the gladiolas arising-
Milkweed is coming up-
It's already spreading! Which the swamp ones on the other side of the house never did. This one is further downslope, right next to one of the little hollies.
Which isn't doing so great. Some leaves yellowing with spots. I think it's holly leaf-spot- a fungal disease. Starting to wonder if this is another volunteer plant I'll regret having moved and encouraged to grow. If a thicket of milkweeds does better in this spot, I'd rather have them here!
Not really on the sideyard, but on that same side of the back area- I was cleaning up more leaf litter and weeds, and found to my surprise that what I think is the canna lily, regrowing! I had planted these because they were freebies, and then mulched them heavy against winter instead of digging up to store indoors, without much expectation they'd survive. Well, I think one did but looks like a deer chomped it. Either that or I accidentally got it with the lawn mower blade.

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