15 April 2023


the identity of that plant I was wondering about just a few days ago, when it started to bloom. It's the clary sage, of course! I think a volunteer seedling. I dug it up and moved into the front bed. A little droopy now, but I've watered it heavily twice, the day became overcast, and tomorrow it's supposed to rain, so good prospects.
Also counting on the weather, I dug up and moved out of the garden (near these leaf beet chard)
a handful of what I think are black-eyed susans, put them on the larger sideyard. And cleaned up the mailbox spot- dug weeds, trimmed grass edge, reset some of the stones. Pulled out all the smaller borage seedlings, dug and moved some of the larger ones to space them more evenly. Have to do this when they're small or too much damage to the taproot to survive. Not a great photo but I'll take another when the plants are more impressive.
Worked on cleaning up the front bed, too- trimmed the small azalea (which is doing great now the larger trees are gone), pulled mock strawberry, trimmed grass against the bed edging and cut back stonecrop where it was sprawling and growing. Lots more violet seedlings! And glad to see my first cranesbill is alive, after all. It will probably just be smaller this year.
My pink clematis started blooming!
I guess one plus about not really gardening this year, is that I'm spending what time and energy I do have, on the yard plants. Paying more attention to them, getting more weeds cleared out by hand . . . 

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