19 April 2023

against the carpenter bees

I should feel glad this was successful, but it makes me sad too. Few years ago (after realized the paper bag trick failed) I bought these jar things to trap carpenter bees.
They work, somewhat. Each one now has at least one dead bee- maybe two in the one by the garden.
There's one been persistently flying around my deck every day, of course not deterred by my squirting water at it (bee veers away around the house, comes back within half an hour, over and over) or swatting at it with a handtowel (the idea was to knock it on the ground). 

I finally took my makeshift insect net and nabbed it when it was slowing down to aim at a hole in one of the deck railings. Brought swiftly to the ground and ended with my shoe. I feel bad about it, but I can't have them riddling my deck structure with holes (yes, we do need to paint it).

On the other hand, I don't mind the wasps- there's mud dauber nests under my back awning and I just leave them alone. I don't mind the other bees, either- the smaller ones that use already-existing holes. It was amusing to see one hovering around the holes in my smaller compost bin under the deck, that's made of an old metal trash can with holes in the sides.

Just don't want the carpenter bees. 

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