26 August 2022

stevia cuttings

My stevia plant has grown sprawling out of its pot, so I cut it back in preparation for bringing inside when temperatures drop. Decided to try a few as cuttings, to see what works. I've always heard this is difficult, but sources online say it works and are not in agreement about the medium. So I used six tiny pots, two each of sterile seed starting mix, regular potting soil, and plain sand. Three of each I dipped the cutting in rooting hormone. 
They're on my kitchen windowsill. These on the right had the rooting hormone, 
three on the left didn't. 
and two just stuck in a plain jar of water, for the heck of it.
Let's see if any survive to make new growth.

1 comment:

Jeane said...

Half have died now. I'll post an update soon w/pictures.