24 June 2021

things happening among the plants

My 'Lavendar Magic' african violet bloomed and it is so pretty.
The runners on my plain spider plant have tiny babies now, and another one is sprouting. 
The 'wandering dude' plant (haha) is growing upwards against the window- I am wondering at what point the stems will become too heavy for themselves and fall over to make the trailing habit. 
Outside I thought the sweet peas were done since I left some pods to go to seed, but there's another round of flowers blooming. 
Zucchini and the others in the melon bed are getting big fast, so I hope I actually have a decent amount this year.
The unknown plant in my garden is getting huge- it's up to my hip now. And cardinal climber behind it have wound all the way up the trellis, so lovely, but I still haven't seen a hummingbird visit.
Some of the rumex I moved look shabby, but others are growing new leaves!
Monarda and echinacea are blooming-
Cicada noise is diminishing, and though the oaks and maples have lots of "flagging" with dried leaf bunches hanging down, all my smaller shrubs seem okay- even the youngest rose of sharon
and the two-year-old ones- have taken no harm.
Bay laurel-
Oakleaf hydrangea- all okay!
Daylilies are blooming on the top of one sideyward by the driveway,
and on the opposite side, turtleheads are making a nice thicket,
and gladiolas coming up strong- though I do need to go out and pull some weeds

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