19 June 2021

end of june garden

Lots of things are thriving now- and the scented plants, rue on one end of the garden, marigolds, hyssop
and wormwood on the other- seem to be keeping the rabbit away so far.
I recently planted out my zucchinis,
and cantaloupe
Peppers growing great
And all the basils- the ruffly one, lemon basil, regular sweet basil, purple amaratto basil
I haven't used the variations on tarragon yet- just noticed the one in a pot has finely serrated edges-
We're eating leeks regularly now, and had first tomato last night. Chard almost big enough to cut now too.
Have too many chamomile plants!
Need to figure out what this plant is! the one I thought a reverted wild coleus? it's getting huge leaves.

1 comment:

Jeane said...

Apparently it's shiso!