26 May 2021

blistering thunderstorms

Super hot today- or at least it feels so to me. I find that if I start working outside early in the morning while it's still relatively cool, my body adjusts to the gradually rising temperature and I can get more stuff done. Today I was out all morning, until almost two pm, then came inside just in time before a severe thunderstorm due. Moved and planted a few things- crossing my fingers they make it, banking on the rain to settle them in. Moved the purple salvia out from under the flanks of the lilac (and thinking of shifting the smaller black-and-blue salvia from there, too). Dug a hole for the wormwood- at the patio end of the last garden bed. In both cases soaked the hole, mulched the plants and soaked well afterwards. Salvia wilted, wormwood did not. Also planted the three small alyssum- in a bed witih the tomatoes. 

Then I cleared weeds, grass clumps and whatnot from around the base of one tree where the ajuga is taking really well. Clearing the soil surface, so those runners can take hold. It's kind of amazing how fast they're filling in. The one 'rare' one I put under second hydrangea disappeared, and so did all those under the maple with a swing, but all those I dug up from around the doomed maple and replanted under the lilac (where others had died) are doing fine. I also carefully weeded out on the first sunny sideyard, grass and clover and stuff that was growing around and among the ajuga there. It's starting to look nice. And dug up two pieces of the large beautiful lamb's ears, replanted in a gap so now it's a nice tidy row in front of the gladiolas. 

Pictures soon.

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