28 May 2021

angel tank is beautiful

I feel it's finally reached a balance, with the new(ish) light. Last week I cleaned out lots of dead foliage from the giant vals americana, and trimmed browned tips off the twisty vals. Love seeing the cell structure in the big vals, but sad the two I clipped off runners and replanted, died. Next time I will just bend the runner into the place I want it.
Angelfish remains calm- no more startling, running into walls, twitching. I think I've actually got rid of the parasite this time. 
Hornworts got a trim- I'm still pretty happy with this system, of keeping them pegged down on ceramic rings. I don't mind the task of refastening a few each week on maintenance day.
Trying not to be excited about this, because what if it doesn't last- but my apnogeton capuronii seems to be finally growing again! There's a leaf visible in the middle. I've been pulling baby leopard vals out of the aponogeton's planter basket when they show up on runners, to avoid it having competition. 
Seems it was a good move to swap positions with the java ferns and anubias- all the patches of java ferns have new little fiddleheads now 
More new shoots on the anubias rhizomes, too (I didn't move them all). 
Kind of an overhead shot- from high angle outside the tank- of the driftwood side with java ferns, and twisty vals behind- 
the other driftwood chunk- mostly with anubias- and more vals. Still have this bunch of them just  weighed down in a gap. Every water change, whatever bits of substrate my siphon picks up off the tank floor, I drop back into this thicket. So far (weeks now) the vals are staying in place, and staying green. 
Miss Beautiful among the plants- 
I took this picture to highlight the lovely crypt balansae, but she got in the shot, too.
Now I just need to get a good current fulltank shot to show. I sit and stare at it sometimes and can't believe I have this tank. I'm really itching to get a second angelfish again, but dreading the likelihood of failure . . . 

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