10 April 2021

more gray

overcast skies, so in between doing things for the kids, washing dishes and cooking food, I was out in the yard getting my shoes muddy and dirty fingernails. I put into pots for balcony space dill
and russian blue kale, out of their little cardpots.
Also planted into one of the deck railing boxes the parsley. With mesh over it, because it really annoys me when the squirrels dig in my containers. Cut some wires out to make a space for the plant to poke through. Will have to keep tabs on it- might have to widen the gap later so it doesn't constrict the stem.
Tomatoes are growing and growing!
This is the mint that used to be a scrawny thing. It was one gone wild that a friend dug up from her yard when clearing weeds and gave to me- years ago. It never did great. Until finally this spring I moved it up a pot size with new soil and a bit of compost. Look at it now!
Down in the garden, swiss chard is sprouting
The one large borage in a pot is about to flower.
Bed of leafy greens is full of green! The tatsoi in front looks small because we've been eating it. Tokyo bekana is doing grand.
I have some new plants- got from a fellow gardener taking divisions. Ostrich fern (hope this one does better), 'Espresso' geranium and pulmonaria. Also, not pictured, bare root mass of plumbago. Not sure where I'm going to put them yet so stuck in some pots with handfuls of compost, they seem fine so far.
Also not pictured, what I did the rest of the day- dug up and moved some plants from the shady sideyard, to areas under other trees further into the back. More to to assure myself they won't get trampled by the crew that will take down the silver maples, rather than because increased sun exposure after that job might hurt them. The house does throw a lot of heavy shade onto that slope most of the day so I'm not sure yet how many of the shade plants there strictly need to move. But I dug up and relocated all the hostas, the stinkin' hellebores, one small lady's mantle, and the chocolate joe pye weed (including one offspring). 

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