28 February 2021

a test-

I thought my outdoor thermometers were off (showing diff temps). Put them next to each other and waited ten, fifteen minutes. They read the same. I don't know why I thought otherwise, before.
Realized belatedly that the one in the greenhouse hasn't been giving me accurate idea of the temp in there. I didn't think about this before, but the thermometer has to be in the shade to give the actual air temperature. If the sun is hitting it directly, it heats up the thermometer itself which then reads much hotter. So I'm guessing my greenhouse has never really been at 80°, 90° on recent sunny days. I'd put my hand in there and think it doesn't feel that warm. And the seedlings never wilted. It was probably just over 60°. Well, I moved the thermometer to the other side of the structure. If sun still hits it, I will prop up a piece of cardboard or something behind it. See if that gives me more accurate readings.

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