26 August 2020

new pest- and a helper

I found another new pest in my garden. It appears to only be on the zucchini plants- one in particular has a lot of serious wilt right now. They look like white stink bugs. Surprisingly easy to catch- if I disturb the plants (watering, snipping off wilted leaves, pulling out rotted stems) they climb to the topside of the stems, where I can pluck them off. 
Even though the broad leaves have wilt and some mildew-
Still looks like it will give me a few more fat zucchinis.
I found a brown preying mantis- it was on the underside of a chair arm, where I was hanging laundry out. Next to the holly shrub. Maybe it was eating bugs off the holly, but I'd really like it to eat bugs out of the garden! I gave it a ride over to the garden on a faded pink frisbee- wonder what it made of that- and let it walk off onto a zucchini leaf.
Then it was time for photos!
it threatened me at this range. So cool and alien-looking-

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