14 August 2020

cantaloupe and zucchini

Cantaloupe flower on the gravel
Vines have sprawled out of the bed, across the nearby turnips, and into the space under deck
Quite a few cantaloupes forming now, but they have odd shape-
Another zucchini almost ready to eat. 
I don't have zucchini glut this year. Only one of my plants seems to be producing fruit, and just one at a time. Soil poor in nutrients? Or lack of sun. I've noticed my zucchini plants -and some others in the new row of beds- lead towards the deck, not outwards or evenly spread. I think that indicates that towards the center of the yard across the lawn, there's less light available. Because of the tree cover. Dampens my idea to add another row of beds next year...

Deer came through at night and ate the rest of my blue hostas downhill from the shady side yard again, plus another of the lance-leaved ones. Soap shavings didn't seem to deter them at all. Maybe I was mistaken thinking that helped. Or the heavy rain we've been having washed the scent away. Still surprised they haven't touched the garden plants at all.

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