02 February 2020

end round two

Uncovered the tanks and did all the huge water changes. Fishes all look fine. There's more normal (instead of white) waste on the bottom of the guppy growout tank, Laddie chased up and down the front glass eager for food, and the guppies in the tenner literally swarmed the front when I came near. I had the light strip propped up sideways unplugged the past few days and when reconnected it switched on with the timer before I put it up top again. The lighting from the side was neat so I started taking photos.
Most of the plants look better than ever, probably because near nil light for 72 hours (twice now) has eliminated algae. Only the stems and windelov fern appear to have suffered. Crypt lutea:
Anubias has a new shoot!
Tiny new windelov ferns below that:
Buces 'isabelle' are growing back visibly on the skull:
'Wavy' and 'Selena' below:
They're getting overgrown by the subwassertang, but so far I think the mingling looks nice:
Finally got a decent photo of a guppy!

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