23 January 2020

tanks update

Yesterday I fed the fishes garlic-soaked betta pellets. (The Angelfish loved 'em). The guppies ate, most of them rather listlessly. The white clouds and paradise fish mouthed the food, then spat it out. I siphoned out the bottom of tanks, have done the huge water changes, and spent several hours sterilizing all the tools (sprayed bleach solution, let it sit fifteen minutes, rinsed with hot water numerous times until odor gone).

Today fed the fishes mini veggie pellets. Guppies ate eagerly, and pooped a ton. Half their waste looks normal. They're active again- one or two had been sitting on the floor yesterday but now up and about. Fry look fine, adult females look fine, although one of them still has white and colorless feces. White clouds ate but I didn't see them eliminate, so can't tell. Paradise fish isn't interested in anything.

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