06 July 2019

few garden things

Sweet potato vines are finally healthy-looking again, now that the summer heat is here.
We've eaten a few cucumbers (yellow variety). Much better flavor than the ones I grew last year. Also have some first tomatoes, red and golden beets, and plenty of greens. Purple-podded beans are just starting to flower. My peas are done- they dried up and shriveled in the heat. I'd only picked some once, for a stir fry.
I threw on the compost pile my geranium "bonsai" tree. It dried up when I forgot to water. The scion is still going strong- looking a bit leggy after I pulled off all the dead lower leaves-
and to my surprise and delight, finally flowering! Hot pink.
I've also thrown out the pot of nasturtiums on my deck (it was dying from onslaught of bugs- probably leaf hoppers or mealy bugs), the kalanchoe indoors (except one tiny plantlet that sprouted unnoticed in the jade pot) and the smaller schefflera I grew from cuttings years ago. They were languishing and I was tired of looking at them.

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