27 May 2019

garden growing

Leaves- turnips in front, fenugreek, parsley, leeks behind, marigolds further back.
Turnips have grown in so thickly I haven't felt it urgent to put down mulch, the leaves shade and cover the ground. Maybe after I pull a few.
Beets are coming along very nicely!
Fenugreek has grown a lot- both the one planted in the ground, and the potted one on the deck. Neither had any trouble from being transplanted, as far as I can tell. I haven't eaten any yet, though. I was looking up information on it, to choose a recipe to try, and found out that some people have adverse reactions to it (allergies, digestive upset, etc) - especially children- so I am not going to try it in my cooking until there's a day I just cook for myself and my husband.
Sage is doing pretty well in its new location. I've already cut some to hang and dry for kitchen use, since the bugs were starting to get to it.
Nepitella looks pretty good, too- although I am not sure if I will grow this one again. I've only tried it once so far, and didn't really care for the flavor. But I think I should use it in a few more recipes first, maybe it was just a poor match for the dish.
Lavender is doing much better now it gets a lot more sun- here with the light on it- second picture in bright shade (from the photographer)
Stevia is providing me with a good supply of sweet leaves for my daily morning tea- but some suddenly turned a bit dark and the edges curled down. I'm not sure if it was a suddenly chill night, or something in the water I used for it- I don't think it was insect damage or the top newer leaves would also be affected?
It looks like one of my second-year leeks is going to flower. There's a bulbous shape on the top of one stem.

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