30 May 2019

cut to dry

Harvested a few herbs today- some because they were done for the season, others to get ahead of the insects while the plant has plenty of healthy growth for me. I noticed the epazote was making strong scent, and saw on one flowers forming as little buds at the leaf nodes. So I cut them to the ground, and hung the bunches to dry. That's it for epazote this time, but it's probably enough to last me for several years of cooking beans, since I only need two or three leaves per batch! I hung it in the basement window, where it's cooler- and also because I can't stand the pungent smell when it's first cut. Probably this cooler spot is better for drying herbs, anyway. I should put them all down here.
I cut some of the stevia- it had tiny leaf hoppers making some of the leaves curl- there's also a spider in residence so I'm not too worried. Poor photo against the light.
Another bunch of sage- this to get ahead of the leaf hoppers and mealy bugs that are starting to mar the leaves.
I made space for the newly cut herbs by putting some earlier dried ones into jars- summer savory, chocolate mint and another handful of epazote (the parsley and dill aren't ready to store yet).

Also cut some lemon balm. I threw out most of last year's frozen leaves, they were getting freezer burn by now. From the cut stems, picked just the largest leaves to freeze for winter use, then put the stems with remaining smaller leaves in a jar of water, to keep it fresh for a few days while I use them up for tea.

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