17 May 2019

45 using suggestions

Got some pointers on the forum for my angel tank, tried to follow. First I retied most of the elodea stems higher up, so they are immediately taller hopefully this will make the angelfish feel more sheltered. Doesn't look like much in the photo, but they're all held five or six inches up off the ground now. I tied one end of each line to a glass bead anchor, made the other end tight over tip of aquascaping tweezers then slid it off making a loop, put that over end of a stem, so it just hooks on a pair of leaves. Tying straight onto the stems broke a bunch of them. I only re-tied the parts that have new growth. The older parts of stems are dying off but very slowly, so I cut them into two- or three-inch segments and left floating, in case they will grow out more.
On left below here, can just see the line of elodea stems retied- the angelfish is swimming past it (I dimmed out the filter uptake and its reflection w/photoshop it was so bright/distracting). Also I made two airline corrals for the water lettuce- larger ring- just visible is the right lower edge of it here- holds all the small ones.
Smaller airline loop corrals the few slightly larger water lettuces. They're not doing as badly as I thought- tiny new plants are growing off a few of them, which I just saw looking close today.
I also put root tabs in the substrate baskets for vals, crypt balansae and aponogeton capuronii in here.

My angels are bolder this morning- but they're also in breeding colors again, so I can't say it's due to the few changes I made with plants already. When I sprinkled food in the tank for them, Skye rushed to one side where the food was, M Beautiful just looked at me expectantly on her side. I didn't want to put the food inside the water lettuce ring, so I put my finger in front her her and slid it slowly to the other side and up. She followed the motion and found her breakfast. I found it slightly pleasing, just because she never did it before- follow my finger.

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