11 May 2019

45 May update

I thought my older anubias leaves in the angelfish tank were dying off from changes, that's why the older leaves browned with algae and the newer ones fresh, bright green. But no- after a week of cloudy weather, and the angle of sun coming into the room shifting with the advancing season, the amount of direct light that hits this tank in the morning has reduced- and the older leaves are coming clean again.
Crypt undulata I added in here a few weeks ago, standing straighter
Newest thing I put in here from the emptied 20H yesterday- the fake plant and size II sponge filter- mostly because if I ever have to set up that 20H as emergency housing for an angelfish again, I can pull those items out and have something with live bacteria on it, to jump-start a cycle. They're in the background.
Kuhli loaches moved into the angelfish tank also. Not ideal- I'd rather try brochis splendens, but my youngest was so sad to see the little cories go, and upset when I told her I was thinking of re-homing the kuhlis. Plus, she thinks the angelfish are boring- "all they do is sit around, or swim straight slowly, and then swim up if you feed them". She likes watching the kuhli antics. So I kept them. I put more leaf litter in today, so they have plenty to hide under. They seemed to feel right at home.

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