17 March 2019

when it's cold

I cover up some plants in the herb bed, and upend large pots over the tender young leaves of chrysanthemums in the front yard. Not sure if it makes a difference- tonight I was in a hurry and left one little green sprig uncovered- edge of the pot missed it- so will see in the morning if it got damaged by the chill. Days have been warm enought I can air out the coldhouse- it gets warmed up to 80° or more when air temp is low sixties but at night it's freezing this week. When it's really cold I bring all the seedlings back inside. Leeks, kale, parsley,
lettuces and chard-
here's closeups of some- last arugula in that row got damaged somehow? but the newer leaves look ok
can't wait to eat a fresh crispy sweet salad soon
Chervil and marigolds-
kale is like green ruffly spiders. It's growing leaps and bounds- these photos just a few days apart-
I've found that dill, like the chervil, isn't quite as hardy to the cold.
It's been in the low coldframe with the other cool-weather plants, that stay outside most nights now. One night it was just below freezing, I covered the coldframe with two old sheets and a few quilts- it held forty degrees in the morning, when still low thirties outside. All the seedlings in there fine, except the few dill. The ones I'd pulled and brought indoors- feeling unsure they could handle it- were still fine. The ones that stayed out in the coldframe pinched themselves up (on the right). So now I know if it's below 40°, not to leave the dill out.

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