01 November 2018

yard plants- fall closing in

I pulled up most of the celosia around the mailbox. There's a few nicely-shaped red/pink blooms still out there. (I never got any large enough to be called 'brain flowers' this year, but the fans were nice).
For all the grand size nicotiana leaves reached- still no flowers. Oh well.
They did fill in blank spot along the fence nicely enough with greenery. Not sure why an empty spot in the middle of the patch- did I step on a few? or something ate them
Here's a front view of that back perennial bed- with the nicotiana patch off to the right. See my new camellia in front of the compost bin!
pan to the left
Really happy how my ferns did this year. Must remember again: squash the box elder bugs in spring, and water occasionally in the heat of summer
Echinacea did shockingly well this year, too. I will definitely have to thin out the younger plants, come spring:
Here's a front view of them- row of their parents behind, with the dead flower heads
Closer to the house, I'm also glad how well my clematis performed. It never kept greenery so high up the post, before. Either it's just finally getting mature, or I did a good deed for it soap-spraying all those whitefly and mealy bugs early in the season.
Not a plant I really cultivate, but I indirectly encourage it, because I don't pull it up with the other weeds. The blue-green one that changes shape. Here's some that came back after their summer dormancy. I still wish I knew what they are (tried a google image search and the match it came up with was begonias, ha).

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