10 November 2018

season finality

Nights are getting colder. I did a final harvest from the garden. Paltry, except for the green (bunching) onions!! Had plenty enough to share around with friends and family.
I've been cutting all the lemon balm. Stored a ton more leaves in the freezer, and several handfuls are stuck in jars of water, see how long they will keep fresh for my evening teas.
the plant outside is cut back hard, and mulched with leaves against the cold
I also cut all the parsley- finally looking nice with the temperature drops.
Still out there, some young volunteer dill. They like the cooler weather, too.
As I cleaned up the beds, I was surprised to find a very healthy-looking potato plant! This tells me it really was the bugs all along (gone now due to the chill), making my potatos sickly.
This was the carrot bed. It's full of borage now, that sprang back in the fall with vigor. There's even a few flowers.
some of the leaves are huge
In other part of the yard, nicotiana also has impressively large leaves.

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