05 November 2018

33 somewhat greener

I removed the aponogeton from this spot a few weeks ago- see updates on my 45. Planted a few crypts (they're undulata or lutea) in its place. Ludwigia palustris all melted away in here (but a few remain static in the 20H, and in the tenner they're growing new leaves).
Lady's side of the tank feels rather empty now, but I gave her back the clay cave.
Stuck an anubias on top of it. Hoping that if I try a re-introduction, the clay arch will give her shelter from the male if needed- although I never see her making use of it yet, she didn't even check it out (that I saw).
I added more crypts to this corner (from the 20H).
As it gets closer to winter the window light is weaker, so I removed one of the plastic layers behind the tank. Now have to clean some algae off the front glass every week, but conversely my other plants appear to be doing a bit better. Bolbitis ferns show more green- also helps that I tucked some subwassertang behind the driftwood piece.
The stuck-together leaves on the crinum unfurled- and they have all straightened out nicely
Crypt cordata is putting out a new leaf (very sturdy looking shoot) and some of the vals are getting greener, a bit taller.
Ludwigia var arcuata has small new leaves, too (hard to get them in a photo).
I removed the sweet potato vines and put more coleus cuttings across the back of the tank. Not sure if the change in light, or the removal of sweet potato roots is what gave the plants a bump. But I'm starting to like the tank again.

Inhabitants: Perry spreading his tail
Lady won't pause for her photo today. She gets more excited than Perry when I am near the tank, now- zipping back and forth waggling her fins. (Excuse the rough photoshop job I did in the corner to mask the filter sponge from detracting focus in the picture).

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