01 September 2018

caterpillar count

Their numbers steadily dropped- by halves, it seemed. The highest count last week was twenty four. On monday I only found thirteen. Wednesday afternoon numbers suddenly down to six, thursday only three- and today there was just one, feeding on a fresh slice of zucchini but it looked rather lethargic. There were also ants on the food. I've been daily removing the pieces of zucchini and squash as they start to look old, putting out new. I would like to think the caterpillars have gone on to their next stage of life- and I did see a monarch flit across the yard yesterday- but I don't know for sure.

I've seen goldfinches for the first time in my yard, feeding on the echinacea seed heads. But when I ran to get the camera and slid the back door open, they left in a hurry. I wanted to see them closer using binoculars from the deck, but I haven't spotted them again, although I think I heard their voices- an unfamiliar call, lighter sweeter than birds I know.

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