21 May 2018

spring additions for the garden-

those I bought at the nursery and greenhouse, didn't manage to grow from seed- three heirloom beefsteak and brandywine tomatoes. (I tossed mine, they were so pathetic).
Herbs! a replacement english thyme-
something new- Chervil-
I've used it already in a potato soup. I think it kind of tastes like celery, but the flavor is very subtle- next time I'll have to use more of it!
Salad burnet- this one is so pretty I'm keeping it in a pot on my deck table so I can look at it all day out the window. Had it in a salad- adds a pleasantly sharp taste
leaf growth pattern-
after the rain-
Stevia, at last. So large I already had to repot it.
Ginger mint
Lemon balm
Curry plant! just for the delightful scent
These are for decoration- a few more coleus varieties- 'Gay Delight' with purple veins
'Wizard Jade'
I have already trimmed its largest eaves off top to start a new pot- and here's the rest of it
'Giant Exhibition Limelight'- it has really huge leaves. I've trimmed this one too, and stuck its cutting straight into the ground in the lower back garden by a hosta. It's so big, I can see it easily from my kitchen window! Hasn't wilted at all either, the ground is so muddy down there right now.
Not a new plant, but since I'm showing off coleus, here's the 'kiwi fern' grown from cuttings overwinter, now out of the coldframe in its summer pot (does that container look familiar, ha).
I found the same as my pink-centered coleus on sale too, btw. It's called 'watermelon'. And the red-and-lime one is something like 'wizard ruby'.

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