01 November 2017


Echinacea made lots of prickly seedheads- I have left them on the plants, in hopes to get some self-sown. I've read that goldfinches and other birds like to eat the seed, but I haven't seen any birds come to mine.
Still eating herbs and the broccoli is greener (less caterpillars) but the real bright spot in my garden now is the marigold. I collected old flower heads from my favorite velvety red ones
They look kind of- unpleasant- with rumpled, wilted old petals
But tug those out and there's the nice seed
The dried ones have the best seed formed; I discarded all the heads plucked that were still green. And now I'm just deadheading and composting the remainder. I got such a pile of seed I don't need any more!
Celosia seed from the orange/pink flower (I forgot to include in an earlier post)- some chaff mixed in.
Seed I won't use: one pod of okra. Not surprised: the plants got so denuded by insects in the back bed, I pretty much forgot they were there.
Not quite seed yet: my clematis flower turned into a head of silky tassels.
And this last was a surprise: my husband's aunt sent me some flower seed.
She told me they were hollyhocks, but it doesn't match images I find
There's another kind in the mix, too- I recognize these- columbine.
And one or two very flat, round seed pods- perhaps this is the hollyhock.
I will just have to grow some in spring and find out!
Also in the little hand-tied packet was a hitchhiker: an earwig inside one of the seed cases. Dead, but it startled me when that fell out!

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