04 September 2017

green island

I tightened up the 'island' in my tenner, moving the crypt further behind the mound, and nudging the group of anubias afzelii closer to the skull. If rotalas keep their health, pretty soon this will look different with a curtain of them across the back.
I am not sure if I like it yet- does it look nice, or is it just a heap of plants?
This is my favorite area of it-  except for that large blank area front right. Crypt parva does okay on the other side of the foreground- at least it has not all died- but I don't expect it to multiply soon enough that I could pull plants and spread them out. Better to buy myself another lot of them. Or maybe I should spread the buces around. There's a few of those grown tall enough I could take a cutting... Thinking about it.
Here's the new look of the short end-
and the other- yeah, really blank
I do really love the fingers of windelov fern. Wonder if they will change orientation and stand more upright with the shift in location and light.
I found that the strip of plastic I taped over the LEDs has got burnt smudges from the heat of the lights. I threw that away and taped two new strips of plastic sheeting over, instead. It's the same kind of plastic I'm using on my LED on the main tank. But probably blocks a slightly different amount of light, than the piece I threw away. So have to keep a close eye on the plants and see if they need less, or more of that.

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