16 April 2015

baby greens

The lettuce has grown so quickly, I spent some time the other day pricking out seedlings into individual pots. I have to say, even though I made some mistakes this year (planting in an enriched soil instead of using sterile seedling mix- duh why did I forget that one this time) and I don't get the best germination in these greenhouse jugs, what does grow thrives and I do get strong, stocky plants out of it.
I have potted up ten of each kind- a green leafy lettuce (its either romaine or ceasar, I forget)
and the paler, delicate simpson (these are all still grown from seed I bought and saved seven years ago!)
also one broccoli got a pot (there are five more in the jug still)
So many seedlings left over, I rinsed them off and the handful made a sweet, crispy mouthful.


chrisa511 said...

Wow! Everything looks so green and healthy :) I wish I were doing more this year...I'm just doing 1 each tomato, eggplant, jalapeƱo and bell pepper...and I have 4 citrus trees and a blueberry bush and a few different herbs. Then I have my rose bush which is gorgeous! And a few bulbs and succulents. Wish I had more veggies though. I just don't have the space. I might take over some more of my mom's garden :p

Jeane said...

I wish I had blueberries and citrus trees!