13 August 2014

plant woes (again)

Took some more photos of the aquarium plants, their sorry state. This is my largest, nicest aponogeton- the biggest one from my first purchase. It's been melting- the edges of leaves turning brown and translucent, then ragged into nothing. Other leaves growing with algae, several kinds it looks like.
My crypt wendtii look okay at first glance, but they have the dark algae spots encroaching as well, are starting to curl, have white splotches forming, which I now think are a sign of deficiency (of something) see the right lower leaf
The java ferns all have black spots, which aren't growing babies like they did at first, and they start to yellow, blanch white and then I cut them off. Still put out new leaves but those are smaller and fewer than used to be.
The rotala I thought was doing fine until I looked at photos of when I first brought it home, how nice it was then! Its leaves are seriously stunted, far too small, beginning to curl. The small leaves are from lack of proper light, I wonder now if leaf curl is from the overly high pH?
I've only got one regular amazon sword in there, now. The smallest one was just rotting away. Other (air-living) plants aren't doing so great, either. My chocolate mint looks gorgeous from afar, 
even up close it's hard to see, but it has those pale scabby-looking speckles spreading
and I know soon it will look like this one- the regular mint plant- which I threw in the dumpster today.
Looks like the same pest or disease has also got onto my ginger, the pot of oregano as well. But we ate some fresh parsley today!

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