06 August 2014


I have moved my lonely siamese algae eater into the 10gal. The larger tank is crystal clear, just some dark green algae I can't scrape or rub off the leaves of plants. Caleb seems hungry, or maybe is just maturing- he comes to the surface to grab flakes and other food with the rest of the fishes. I put in zucchini for him the other day, but the barbs swarmed it, even Pinkie tried to wrench bites off, and Caleb didn't get much. My 10gal on the other hand, is full of driftwood detritus, and I remember how industriously the algae eaters and catfish scraped the wood clean in the 20gal. So I thought if I put Caleb in the 10gal, maybe he can clean it up for me. I know he'll grow too big, but there's only two small barbs in there (I wonder if those cherry barbs are immature still, or have stunted growth? They're half the others) and I will probably move him back later.

No pictures for a while; my camera is in a bag of rice. I jumped into a glacial lake with my kids last week and forgot the camera was in my pocket. Hoping it will dry out and I can recover some photos!

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