15 November 2013


This rescued plant, which I have not featured much here yet, is beginning to look beautiful. When I first brought it home from abandonment outside someone's garage, a lot of the foliage was broken and ragged. I trimmed the ends into new points with scissors. It needed a spot without clutter around it, to really let the grace of the leaves show. The top of this little bookcase is just right.
But I think it might also be the best spot for my aloe vera, now hanging out on the kitchen counter...
I am still not quite sure if I have identified it correctly, but think it is a Ponytail Palm. Mine seems to have longer and fewer leaves than the pictures I see online, but that might be because I've never trimmed it, which encourages fuller growth. As you can see from this closeup, there are two plants sharing the container, and the stems are really taking off lately. At some point I will have to divide them up, but if I have the right identity, this plant doesn't mind being crowded.

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