03 May 2013

losses and comparison

I no longer have any Curry plants. They all died. Blah. Also, my Tomatoes and Peppers are doing terrible. Here is a photo of my daughter's Tomato plant, which has had full sun in her windowsill but very little water, and one of mine, which are probably overwatered, and don't get enough sun. (I keep feeling anxious that they aren't doing well, and my first response is: oh, they need water! Not true half the time). They are the same age.
So, I've given up on the idea that I can grow anything here that is a real sun-lover. No tomatoes, cucumbers, squashes, melons, peppers. Well, half of that stuff is just too big for the balcony space anyways. Here's the rest of my stunted peppers and tomatoes. Just as pathetic.
I was just going to throw them out, but a friend with a large deck that gets full sun nearly all day, offered to let me use his space. I'm going to transfer them over there tomorrow, and see if they do any better.


chrisa511 said...

:( Sorry Jeane…what a bummer :(

Jeane said...

Yeah. Oh well. Now my focus is just having a pretty space!