25 January 2013


It looks like my Avocado is reviving in its new, sheltered spot.
I am wondering if the Palms suffer from chilly draft, as well? Some of the foliage is curling under. However, the ones situated on my desk- near window- and in the kitchen- not drafty- have a bit of curl as well. So it might be something more generally wrong. Perhaps I have not got the watering regimen down correct for these yet?
I suspect the soil mix is too dense. I need to repot these yet again with new clean soil lightened with perlite (the mix I used for my Dracaneas and Avocado, which seems to work well for them). I did want to wait for warmer, spring weather to do this, afraid that repotting for the third time might be too much stress for their young root systems. They are all still growing new foliage, so not doing too badly.

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