18 January 2012

big leaves

My favorite Avocado is still growing lush. Its two newest leaves are almost full-size now, and there's another teensy pair starting to sprout already!
This is my only avocado plant now. The smallest one died and the other large, lopsided one I traded to a lady off craigslist for some big pots. I was actually just thinking of composting it- the leaf tips were all burned and no matter how I pinched it one side kept growing more than the other and I didn't like its looks. The lady said cheerfully: Oh, it just needs to be straightened out a bit and I wondered how do you do that? I've tried. I half-wondered if I should keep it after all but said nothing. I hope its happy with her. Maybe I'll grow another one someday.


chrisa511 said...

It looks beautiful :D And I'm sure that lady will appreciate the plant :) I totally want to grow an avocado tree!

Jeane said...

It's fun to do. Just stick three toothpicks in an avocado and put it over a jar or glass of water so the bottom half is in the water. Put in a warm spot. Change the water every now and then so it stays clean. When a root grows, plant it in a pot!