01 July 2011


All my little Oregano plants have really outgrown their small containers.
So I recently potted them up; the ones in clear recycled ice-cream cups went into little pots,
the ones in the teensy pots
moved up into the ice-cream cups.
I hope they keep growing well. I'm planning on putting a few out into the garden and keeping the others in house on windowsill overwinter and see which fare better.


chrisa511 said...

Wow! They all look fantastic! I love oregano so much. this is the first year I've ever grown my own. Did you grow yours from seed or cuttings?

Jeane said...

From seed. I've tried the past two years, and this was the first time I got some to germinate. So I'm really hoping to overwinter it and keep it alive in the garden as a perennial!