18 January 2011


We've eaten the final jar of the canned Green Beans. They didn't last for long! Next year I'll have to be sure to grow a crop that matures all at once, and can a whole lot more. I did noticed that the jars I'd processed first, before I was good at keeping the pressure steady, didn't have much flavor. Most of them were pretty tasty, though. My daughter even prefers home-canned now to fresh-steamed.

Now all that's left of garden eatings comes from the indoor pots of Thyme and Oregano, and of course two seasons' worth of cured Garlic! And a bit of Lettuce from the coldframe...


chrisa511 said...

we didn't get that many green beans this year...I got about 3 quart size freezer bags full. What we did get were DELICIOUS though!! Definitely need to plant more and plant earlier this year!! So excited for veggie time coming up XD

Jeane said...

Me too. I'm going to start mapping out this year's garden soon...