11 September 2010


I think my favorite garden plant this year is the Swiss Chard. It grows with abandon, even when attacked by bugs. It comes back; most of the plants I've cut to the ground and eaten a second time, one I just cut today for the third time, a full bunch of large leaves. And it provides us with food all season long. I don't think I have a single other plant that does that. Well, except maybe the herbs.

Today I opened the mesh bag in the shed and shook out all the dry seed; saved the best-looking ones.
Cut the rest off the plants outside, and hung them up to dry in the cheescloth bundle.
 I know that to have good genetic variety you should save seed from several plants; I only had two that made seed this year and hope its sufficient. There's certainly an abundance of seed! But I worry that saving seed off a plant that had been chewed by cucumber beetles might give all the following generation some nasty disease or stunt them in some way? how I hate those bugs!


chrisa511 said...

I still don't know if I want to try growing chard or not! I've never had it before, so maybe a good start would be to buy some next time I go to whole foods and see if I like it :p

Jeane said...

It's a lot like spinach. I've failed twice to grow spinach, but you can substitute chard into most recipes that call for spinach, and it has a longer growing season!