12 September 2010


I finally got a photo of the dark butterfly that's been hanging around my Cosmos and Tithonia. After a closer look I was able to compare it to other pictures and I think I've identified it as a black swallowtail. It sure is beautiful.
Here's a shot of the wings folded
and another caught in mid-flap.
We also saw the hummingbird yesterday, hovering amongst the Cosmos that grow where my zucchini were pulled out. Still not a chance to use the camera, but both my daughter and I froze in wonder to watch him until he (or she?) flew away over the nextdoor house.


chrisa511 said...

Wow!! That butterfly is SO beautiful!! I just bought some cosmo seeds yesterday :D Definitely plan on planting some in the future!

Debi said...

Oh Jeane, what gorgeous, gorgeous photos!!!

Jeane said...

I had no idea cosmos was a butterfly/hummingbird attractant until I grew them. Nor how easy they are to maintain. Just a little deadheading, and they keep on blooming! Next year I want to try pink or purple ones.