10 August 2010


I found this lovely little butterfly hovering on the wall near the daylily foliage, and snuck close enough to get a shot of it.
I'm so pleased with the Tithonia flowers, now that they've filled out with blooms they look fantastic.
Some of the plants have stunted growth, though. The nicest ones are four feet high, but this one barely comes up to my knee. It's still flowering, regardless.
The hummingbird is a regular visitor now. I see him in the early evening, he flies in low and hovers a few moments over several of the bright Tithonias. I can't tell if he's just checking them out, or actually feeding. One of these days I'll manage to get a picture!

The flowers are so nice I cut some to put in this little blue vase, which I think looks striking full of red and orange. Tithonia and Cosmos.

1 comment:

Jeane said...

This butterfly I now know is a Pearl Crescent brush-foot.