06 August 2010

new leaves

The little sedum plant, goldmoss, that I brought in from outside, seems to be quite happy in a pot. Already both pots of it are growing pretty, new leaves.
I'm picturing it someday as a hanging plant with pretty little trailing stems.
And my Geranium stem that just recently got chopped, it's already putting out tender new foliage!


chrisa511 said...

That goldmoss plant is so beautifull!! Sometimes I wish I lived close to you so that we could trade clippings of plants :p I would absolutely love to have one of those!! I'll have to keep my eye open for that!

Jeane said...

I would totally give you cuttings! I'm thinking of digging up all the goldmoss because I don't like where it is in my yard but I think it looks so pretty indoors. Hey, if you ever want seeds I'll mail you some! I mailed some to my sister and they got there okay. I'm gathering cilantro and basil seed out of my garden right now...

chrisa511 said...

I may take you up on that next year ;)