02 August 2010

chard eats

I've been experimenting with the Swiss Chard. The other day we made a pizza of it, using it like spinach. I put finely chopped Swiss Chard, finely diced garden Garlic, a bit of cheddar and mozarella cheese and some sopressata salami (pre-cooked in a pan to get the grease off) on it, with a sprinkling of feta on top. It was yum!
We also tried in in omelets recently. My husband makes the best omelets! He whips the eggs with some heavy cream, salt and pepper, cinnamon, curry and garlic powder. When the eggs are first poured into the pan, adds the chopped Chard, then folds the eggs over diced onion, a bit of Garlic, feta, Tomato, sweet lebanese baloney, cheddar cheese and fresh Oregano. Fantastic! (and that recipe used four homegrown ingredients!)

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