03 August 2010

canning beans!

I canned Green Beans yesterday! In spite of bug damage, the plants are producing a lot now so after only two pickings I had this bowlful.
It wasn't much compared to what my canner can actually hold, but I went ahead and did a small batch anyways. Here they are just before I locked the lid on.
My pickings were so meager (though they feel like plenty compared to what we eat in a day!) that I only filled six small jars, half-pints leftover from the jam project. But they all made a lovely ping sound!
It was surprisingly easy compared to the extra cooking and sticky mess that is jam-making. The only thing I really had trouble with was keeping the pressure at the right point once the processing time started. It never dropped below what it was supposed to be at, but went one or two pounds higher when I tried to adjust the heat and hold it steady. I sat babysitting that pot the entire twenty minutes it was processing, and still couldn't get it even. According to what the book says, too much processing is safe, it will just loose some nutrients and flavor. Hopefully with a few more batches I can get the hang of it.

Next I want to do carrots and beets!

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