03 July 2010


Lots of my new seedlings are starting to come up, so the coldframe that was empty for a bit is occupied again. I have the start of the fall Cauliflower:
also some Marigolds and Cosmos:
After looking at how the flowers did before, I realize it takes nine weeks between when the seedlings come up and the plants are mature enough to flower. So these if they thrive won't flower until the beginning of fall! I wonder if they'll grow faster in the heat, though...


Heather said...

Your seedlings look great! I really want to try growing things from seed next year, instead of buying my seedlings. I think it will make gardening even more fun!

chrisa511 said...

Oh look at your little seedlings popping up too :D I'm thinking of getting brave and trying broccoli and cauliflower in the fall!! We're supposed to start our seedlings at the end of August here though! Otherwise, the poor things will die :(

Jeane said...

Heather- it's so much fun to grow from seed- and cheaper too. Sometimes I'm short on the patience, though, waiting for things to mature!

Chris- I'm keeping mine inside where it's cool for now. We're getting nearly hundred-degree weather and it would just cook the poor little plants (the marigolds seem to be doing fine outside in the heat, though).