01 July 2010

lettuce, corn, peppers

I've just harvested the Bibb Lettuce seed. Found it is easier to get lots of seedhead parachutes if I cut the entire top of the lettuce plant off, leave it sit on the ground for a day in the sun (stuck into a hole works well). Then many of the folded-shut seedheads pouf out all at once, and it's easy to snip them off, not as sticky either.
Now that the Lettuce towers are cleared out (except for two Romain ones at the back), it's easier to see the Corn. I'm amazed at how quickly it grows. Had a visit from another gardener yesterday and he told me that when the part that becomes to corn cob starts to form and has its silk, to pick the top of the plant off (those tassle-looking things now) which holds the pollen and sprinkle it on by hand. Otherwise it won't fill up with kernels.
He also told me that pepper plants can be perennials. I had no idea. Said pot it up in the house for the winter, and move outside into the garden again in spring. It will grow new peppers next year too! My first baby pepper is just starting to grow:


chrisa511 said...

Look at your corn and your pepper!! I still haven't gotten a pepper :( But I'm leaving my plants in the ground for when the weather becomes a little bit more conducive for the flowers to pollinate. I think it's just to hot for the pollen right now. Your pepper is cute though :D

Jeane said...

I hope you get peppers too! I'm excited because last year I only had one pepper plant and it didn't produce so soon. It is really a cute little thing, isn't it?