13 July 2010


Mm, garden goods! Yesterday I made beans with garden Garlic in it, Carrot sticks and the first garden Cucumber dipped in humus, and this Tomato Basil salad:
I still have the notion that dishes without lettuce aren't really salad, but my husband insists any raw veggie concoction can be called a salad. This one is slices of mozarella cheese topped with fat tomato slices, bits of fresh basil, and a drizzle of white balsamic vinagrette.

The day before our dinner was very simple, but very filling: Swiss Chard frittata and steamed garden Carrots on the side. Tonight we ate chicken paired with a salad that had garden Tomatoes and Carrot shreds in it, and steamed Green Beans. It makes me feel so grand to be eating so much fresh produce I've grown myself! We picked and ate the first two ripe Cherry Tomatoes today, too- but I didn't get a picture because they went down our throats so fast!


chrisa511 said...

It is very fulfilling to eat from your garden :D It's such a wonderful feeling!! My dad has been doing tomatoes in the oven with just some olive oil, cracked pepper and parmesan cheese and they're delicious!

Jeane said...

Baked tomatoes! or is it roasted? that sounds really good, I'll have to try it.

chrisa511 said...

Well, he bakes them for a long time at a very low temperature...like around 275 for about 40-45 minutes. They just come out delicious!! OMG GOOD!!

Jeane said...

Mm, it sounds fantastic! I'm going to try with my next picking, thanks for sharing!