15 June 2010


Dug up some Carrots today, from the ferny wilderness
as I'm afraid the growing heat is going to make them bitter.
I was very pleased to find that most of them had nice, long straight roots.
 They were so deep it was hard to dig them out without breaking some off.
Only a few had formed crooked legs
and some (on the edges, curiously enough) short and stubby.
There were a few rotted ones, too. Not sure what caused this.
Overall, I'm very pleased! Last year it seems most of the carrots were stubby or twisted, this year most of them are nice. So I think I'm doing better with carrots.


chrisa511 said...

Yay carrots :D I just planted some myself!! I'm looking forward to seeing how they do!

Jeane said...

They get stumpy or split when the root hits a rock or compacted dirt (as far as I know). So the trick is to have nicely loose soil, free of stones. I did a lot more digging before I planted carrots this year!

SarahKing said...

Hi - I'm writing my dissertation on 'wonky vegetables' and stumbled across the photos of your carrots. I love them! Is there any chance you would allow me to include them as examples of the range of carrots that are naturally grown as opposed to the boring uniform ones we find in our supermarkets?

Kind regards and lovely blog =)


Jeane said...

Of course you may use my carrots as examples! I'm assuming you mean the ones with forked legs (because they ran into stones) and the stumpy ones? If you can give me credit or a link back here, that would be great.