24 May 2010

lettuce work

Almost all my Simpson Lettuce are bolting now. I cut down all the tallest ones (because I want the later-bolting ones to make my seed) saved four nice sturdy ones on the corners to let flower,

and those that hadn't got too leggy saved for some final salads.

In the other patch, only the Bibb have begun bolting, none of the Romaine yet.

I think they look quite pretty, but cut those down too, to let some later-bolting plants make the flowers.

So now one patch looks quite full, with mature plants, the other very empty. Soon my baby corn plants will be ready to go into the ground, and this will be their new spot.

Some of the Romaines that were cut off at ground level earlier (for eating) have sprouted new little leaves all around the stump of the old stem.

As I was cleaning up, found this little bug on a lettuce leaf. It looks like a firefly. I saw one blinking in the early evening just the other day.

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